34 miles, 5:12, Avg HR: 137, 3906 Calories Burned
I realized last week's 37 in 4:59 was unrealistic during the race, and I realized that I needed to pace better so I could finish training runs ready to go another 140 miles. I like to rest on Fridays and go long Saturday, but I realized that I'll be starting my race Friday at midnight at the end of a normal school week, so I might as well get used to doing my long runs on Friday mornings.
This week tests and papers got in the way of sleep. I woke up today at 4 after a few hours of sleep. When I got up to Pepperdine to start the goal 40 mile run, I wanted to stay in the car and sleep more than anything. I had to reason and lie to myself just to get out of the car. The run started slow and painful with shin splints and some stomach trouble, but finally after 40 minutes of misery, the pains subsided and I opened up stride heading down into Zuma. Later, approaching Mugu rock, I started to realize my shoes were officially dead, I was low on food and water, and I might be late for work, so I turned around early and opted for just 5:12. I did a few push-ups and had some eggs, went to work and got off at 8pm.
Tomorrow should be 15-20 in the morning again, but i'll sleep in till 6am this time.
I really appreciate all the donations so far on the Parkinson's site! I'm going to be compiling a list of names, donations, and words of encouragement and carrying it during the race. Those 2-4am miles are tough, but knowing you're all out there pulling for me will be a huge boost. Feel free to leave words of encouragement on this blog and they'll get added to the list.
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